Very important year. It‘s general tonality will be known already in the end of January. There will be the possibility for Capricorn to turn the life on right track, they know deep inside that they have earned it already long time ago. But nothing happens just like that and without resistance, because Capricorns do not look for ease in life, temporary obstacles only make them stronger.It will be easier to move mountains, if you start with it in the middle of May and keep doing it consistently till the end of year. The best return could come in the end of August and in September. In the beginning of the year brothers, sisters and other relatives will ask for your biggest attention, but already soon there will be your own home and family in the middle of your attention — there will be unexpected but in most cases pleasant changes. In the end of the year Capricorn will learn not to work only but also enjoy holidays.
by Edward Espati