Have you been to the gym lately? Did you go straight to your usual routine or spent some time looking around and observed the different gym creatures?Let's have a checklist of those amazing personalities and next time you visit the gym, move around and spot any of the following:
The Gym BunniesThey come in every effin’ day in lycra leotards. They hop around the gym from one machine to another without ever finishing a routine. Hop, hop hop!
The Gym GorillazBulky, hairy, and cast a huuuuge shadow behind ‘em. Their color ranges from deep red to Kiwi dark-brown shoe polish.
The MeerkatsThey stretch their necks and stick their heads out whenever a gorgeous guy comes in.
The HyenasThey chat, chuckle, laugh, chat some more and chat, chat, chat to eternity. If hunting rifles are allowed, I’ll take them down first.
The ParrotsSame as the Hyenas but wears fantabulously outrageous gym outfits made in China.
The Gym CrocsCreatures who never leave a machine and stay there all day as if they own it. They will be the next ones to go after the Hyenas, I tell you.
The Wet DogsThey always leave the machine wet for the next user. I don’t understand how they sweat so much! Argh!
The Guard DogsThey bark and woof on the last 3 reps. There’s also a hybrid of this mixed with Gorillaz.
The GiraffesTall, gorgeous, painfully beautiful creatures who are so into themselves. Usually found on the machines closest to the mirror wall.
The HipposUnbelievably huge creatures but rarely visible. They are found under the bubbles of the Jacuzzi with their noses just above the water.
The Gila MonstersHuge, ferocious lizards usually found in the sauna all day. They never leave!
The SkunkThey come to the gym oozing with irritating AXE cologne sprayed all over. These creatures don’t understand! Get away from me! G E T A W A Y !
The ChickenA creature with massive chest and throbbing arms complete with toothpick legs.
The KapibaraFat, amphibious rats usually found "basking" in the area between the shower and the locker room.
The HamstersCreatures running all day on the threadmill and go straight to the snack bar afterwards.